Monday, July 13, 2009

July (Part 13)

Not muc 2day.
Early in d munink I found out I will b goin 2 SMKPP9(2)
Bcoz I'm in d taekwondo..bla bla bla

I had juz watch a quarter of Titanic..
And I realized Kak Nida looked quite similar 2 Kate Winslet...
And Azril (ank cegu Nik) looked like Leonardo De Caprio..

Jumpe ikan jap kat kantin td..
(: (: (: (: (:
Howt!! *4 me!*

Then mase tgh tgu bas..
FZ tunjuk la dy punye jln cite 4 sims 2..
Whee..!! (:
Tu je aa ari nieyh!! (: