Hey again!!! I'm not feeling 2 well 2day...mayb I'm gonna b down wiv flu. But I still hav time 2 post a new blog. Anyway, J Gals is the name of the group I'm a member of. In diz group we hav 4 members, Dewi Balqis Azfar, Fatin Zulaikha Mohd. Zaini, Siti Bahirah Amir Haidi, and me, Maisarah Sulaiman. Err, our nicknames are Hazelnut (Dewi), Cupcake (Fatin), Chocolate Chip (Bahirah), and Smarties (me).
We each hav our own MySpace accounts, and a JG MySpace account. Dun 4get 2 view our profiles...
www.myspace.com/hazelnutrockz is Dewi's, www.myspace.com/cuppcake_rulez is Fatin's, www.myspace.com/sitibahirah is Bahirah's and www.myspace.com/sum1_in_ma_hart is mine. Our JG MySpace account is simple to remember which is www.myspace.com/jgals. Simple right???
We r all studying in the same skool, which is SMK Putrajaya Presint 8 (1), Presint 8, Putrajaya, Malaysia. Dewi's class is 2 Siber 2, Bahirah's and mine is 2 Siber 2 while Fatin is in 2 Siber 4.
I think our fwenship wuz better last yr coz we went 2 the movies, hang out @ each other's house and we even had recess 2gether...but diz yr, it'z kinda falling apart, our fwenship. I hate 2 admit, but it IS somehow my fault dat we're not fwenz lyk last yr...
It'z actually evry1'z fault coz we're all in diz 4eva...I rily want us 2 b fwenz again lyk last yr, but ppl juz dun wanna help..ppl as in, diz group'z ppl. Alwayz stayin away from each other n being @ each other, I mean, dat'z not de way fwenz r supposed 2 b if we wanna get back 2gether.
Well, speaking of getting back 2gether, I'm gonna add 'Get Back' by Demi Lovato on MySpace.
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