Okay, 1st thing's 1st.
It's the 1st of July, meaning I've only got 19 more days till my fabu 14th birthday.Some people might think I'm making a big thing out of it, but hey, 14 years old comes only once!
Well, not only my birthday is coming up, I also have a new crush...surprised? You shouldn't be..(:
I fell in love with him on 15th June 2009, in Science period..Haha, I can't believe I just wrote that.
Somehow the way he slow talks makes me feel giddy all over..Haha, I feel silly writing this.
Anyway, he's very gentleman.
Just ask my besties.
Eventhough he might be a bit rough at times, but he's really sweet most of the times..(:
It's a really good thing that I have stopped liking the guy I liked before because it was so not worth it, somehow.
Though I still miss that guy.
Well, this is just a short post because it's 11.45 p.m and I am sleepy like hell.
I haven't even finished creating the people for The Sims 2. *Wink wink to Fatin Z*
So, I guess I'll stop right here.
I'll try to post another one as soon as possible!
Bubbye! (:
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